Our Projects

Resource Development For Language Learning

Currently, We are at the outset of developing and designing digital resources  for four languages. The languages in focus are: Nepali, Sanskrit, Hindi & Tibetan. With the website fundamentals laid, we are working our days and night in developing readable resources for the aforementioned languages. The readable resources will include: grammar lessons for theory, glossary for collecting words and expressions, examples for putting theory to work and practice materials to build muscles in language. These readable resources are to be accompanied by audio resources to assist students with pronouncing, memorizing, and developing feel for the language. Please check out our projects below for more.




Digital Resource For Spoken Nepali

Nepali is the national language of Nepal. Nepal’s cultural heritage is rich with over 120 languages in practice. However, Nepali is spoken through out whole Nepal. If there is one language that connects all Nepal, it is Nepali. 

Currently, There are three course programs that we paying our special attention to right now. We are almost closing with writing grammar lessons for “Devanāgarī for Nepali Course”. The Absolute Beginner’s Course For Spoken Nepali” is in making at this very moment as I am filling in the details. The third course which we have not attribute a name to is at planning stage. Check out our project, at the button below

Digital Resource For Sanskrit

There is a mystery to how this project might unfold. We have not fully dedicated ourselves to ideas we have right now. It is still growing inside us so to say. As of now, we forsee ourselves working on developing resources titled “Functional Sanskrit For Beginners”, which will be a way into inviting students to make use of resources titled ” Sanskrit Through Bhagavad Geeta” . You are more than welcome to check out the progress at the button below

Digital Resource For Spoken Hindi

NHindi is the national language of India. Knowing Hindi will take one around the entirely of North India if not all of India itself. It is within our hoping heart to work to design and develop digital resource for Spoken Hindi. Some of our team members are currently brain-storming lesson plans and teaching materials for “Devanagari for Hindi” and “Spoken Hindi For Beginner”. However, there is still time before it makes it to the platform. We welcome you to check out the project at the button below like whenever. 

Digital Resource For Spoken Tibetan

Tibetan language is spoken in Tibet, and in Tibetan inhabited regions of  Nepal, India & more. Learning Tibetan will help you interact with Tibetan people and learn their culture, Tibetan Buddhism in particular. If you have been on a hunt for the digital resources for spoken Tibetan, this can be one of those platforms if not too soon, at least in near future. Check out our project below for more.

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